08 03 2013

Call for Proposals: Staging Performance Design Research at World Stage Design 2013
TESTing 2013 is a 5-day open research workshop sponsored by World Stage Design 2013 and OISTAT research for academics, practitioners & postgraduates to develop & present performance design research.
Researcher participants will be selected through peer-review and will be joined by invited guests – international researchers in performance & desig to develop and discuss the projects.
Presentations and lectures will be open to all World Stage Design participants.
World Stage Design 2013 celebrates "international performance design" including theatre, opera and dance, while expanding beyond these forms to include public and performative art events in non-conventional spaces.
TESTing 2 0 1 3 will gather together selected international researchers (teams and individuals) to utilize the international event of WSD as a stage upon which to enact and critique their ongoing investigations and experiments into the spatial, visual and sensory elements of performance design as well as its historical and theoretical underpinnings. In recognition of recent shifts towards action-based and embodied and collaborative research in the creative arts, the TESTing 2013 space is conceived as an atelier/laboratory/theatre and, as an international meeting ground, it will provide an ideal location for interactive, intercultural and interdisciplinary discussion, presentation and critique. Research will negotiate between representation (projected performance propositions) and presentation (embodied time-based inquiry): between design speculation and action.
TESTing 2013 invites researchers to address the complex place of the stage in their work and the worlds they document, critique or conjure: be it located within a theatre or found elsewhere -- in the mind, on the body, across real and virtual domains, or in the spectators' memory. We have in mind the following questions:
- Is the stage single or multiple, fractured or homogeneous, monumental or momentary?
- Is it now or ongoing, distant or near, meaningful or nonsensical, accessible or convoluted?
- How culturally specific is the stage, be it performing body, political platform, atmospheric container, or material environment?
- However, we are open to other projects that will benefit from the opportunity to develop and test research ideas through embodied practice at WSD.
Collaboration across disciplines and cultures is encouraged.
Full details can be found here.
The 3-page proposals will be peer reviewed by international scholars/practitioners They should include the following:
- A title and 350-word outline of the research project and its conceptual/theoretical underpinnings. [1 page max]
- The researcher’s (or research team’s ) affiliation(s), role(s) and brief bio (100-words max each member) [1 page max]
- The anticipated format & structure of the research as it will be carried out over 4-5 days [100 words max) and how WSD provides a suitable venue to stage for this research work in progress (100 words max). [1 page]
- A digital portfolio in PDF format of selected work (design/writing). [2 MB max]
Proposals should be emailed to:
research@wsd2013.com by 11 March 2013
Queries to
dorita.m.hannah@gmail.com or j.e.mckinney@leeds.ac.uk
For more info on WSD & Research go here.
Deadline for Proposals to go for peer review: 11 March 2013 Selection of 10-12 projects and confirmation: 1 April 2013 TESTing workshop: Monday 9 – Friday 13 September
Monday 9 September - Open event: International perspectives from guests and pecha kucha presentation from participants
Wednesday 11 September - Open event: chaired keynote guest panel
Friday 13 September - Open event: Final presentations